
CD "this demo is" by O.U.T.

„this demo is“

first release from O.U.T. in 10-2020 on CD

printed CD in a sewed cardboard sleeve, includes 8 connected tracks about human disorder, gentrification, atheism and insanity. 6 €


MC, o.u.t., this demo is

„this demo is“

first release from O.U.T. in 10-2020 on tape

yellow cassette tape with double sided inlay, includes 8 connected tracks about human disorder, gentrification, atheism and insanity. 5 €

o.u.t._cut out and paste_CD

„cut out and paste“

second release from O.U.T. in 01-2022 on CD

printed CD in a sewed cardboard sleeve, includes a lyricsheet and 6 tracks about human disorder, gentrification, d.i.y. and cop terror. 6 €

o.u.t._cut out and paste_tape

„cut out and paste“

second release from O.U.T. in 01-2022 on tape

green cassette tape with double sided inlay, includes a lyricsheet and 6 tracks about human disorder, gentrification, d.i.y. and cop terror. 6 €

Shirt cut out and paste

T-Shirt „cut out and paste“

black shirt with white screen print. Gildan Softstyle S-L. 12 €


third release from O.U.T. in 06-2023 on tape

transparent pink cassette with double sided inlay, includes a lyricsheet and 4 tracks about political non-sense-speakers, PMA, obsession and disco fuckers. 6 €

you can buy this stuff here:

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